The Boyle and Petyt Primary School is committed to providing an environment which values and includes all pupils, staff, parents and visitors regardless of their educational, physical, sensory, social, spiritual, emotional and cultural needs.
The school is accessible by vehicle and on foot. There is a parking space set aside for people with disabilities close to the school gates. Access to the school site is via a locked gate. There is an entry phone at the school gate and the gate can be opened by staff from inside the school.
Both school buildings are single storey and are accessible by wheelchair users. There is a toilet in the main school building that is accessible by wheelchair users and has additional fittings to support wheelchair users and people with a disability.
The school site is well lit by sensor operated flood lighting.
To find out more information about access arrangements or to request assistance with parking or access call the school office: 01756 710378 or email
Our vegetable garden has raised beds, accessible to wheelchair users.
The Headteacher and the SEND Governor have written an Accessibility Plan. Click here to read the plan.