The Boyle And Petyt Primary School

The Boyle And Petyt Primary School

Welcome To Our Website

Beamsley, Bolton Abbey, Skipton, BD23 6HE

01756 710378

Our Vision

Our Vision

The Boyle and Petyt Primary School provides a happy, secure and stimulating environment where all children are motivated to learn, are valued as individuals and attain high levels of achievement.


  • For all children to be happy, enjoy school and develop a love of learning which will stay with them throughout their lives.
  • To help all pupils, through hard work, commitment and self-discipline, to achieve the highest standards of which they are capable.
  • For all children to develop logical thought and appropriate information skills in a world of rapidly changing technologies.
  • For all children to become independent learners with lively, enquiring and creative minds.
  • For all children to have high expectations of their learning.
  • For all children to enjoy participating in teamwork and collaboration.
  • For all children to develop a concern for their immediate environment and the world in which they live.
  • For all children to learn to appreciate the interdependence of individuals, groups and nations.
  • For all children to take pride in their actions and in all aspects of school life.

We provide a secure and nurturing environment within which staff can work in partnership with parents to achieve these aims.

The Vision Statement and the Aims provide a foundation for the school’s development and improvement.  Together they provide the fundamental statement which underpins all school policies.

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