The Boyle And Petyt Primary School

The Boyle And Petyt Primary School

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Beamsley, Bolton Abbey, Skipton, BD23 6HE

01756 710378

Children & Learning


We aim to engender in all children a love of learning and we support them in developing their confidence and self-esteem so that they leave our school ready for the next steps in their education.  The curriculum is systematically planned so that subject teaching builds on prior learning to ensure the development and progression of knowledge and skills.  The curriculum is sequenced with lessons providing opportunities for knowledge to be recalled and applied in different contexts, therefore deepening understanding.  Our aim is for children to know and do more. 

The School community is small and located in a rural environment that features little social or cultural diversity.  The curriculum therefore reflects the intent to instil in all children respect for and tolerance of people of different cultures and beliefs in order to prepare them for life in modern Britain and in the wider world.

The School curriculum intends to:

  • give all pupils experience in linguistic, mathematical, scientific, technological, human and social, physical, aesthetic and creative education;
  • prioritise reading across the curriculum so that all children can become fluent readers who find pleasure in reading;
  • provide continuity, balance, breadth, depth, mastery, progression and differentiation within each curriculum area, and over the years, taking into account the pupils’ varied experiences, skills, attitudes and prior knowledge;
  • provide education and subject matter which is fully inclusive and appropriate for the ages, aptitudes and needs of all pupils, including those pupils who are on the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) register, those with an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP), those for whom English is an additional language and the most able;
  • promote the personal development, well-being and safety of all children. 
  • reflect the School’s values and ethos, encouraging kindness, respect and tolerance for others, paying particular regard to the protected characteristics set out in section 4 of the Equality Act 2010. 
  • prepare pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences they will fact in the next stage of their education, in British society and in the wider world. 
  • teach all children to uphold the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and those without faith or beliefs; 
  • teach all children the importance of co-operation and community to encourage openness and positive communication between individuals and groups and to encourage respect for the cultural, linguistic and religious diversity of different races and cultures;
  • provide curriculum opportunities for pupils to practise independent learning (research and the application of their learning) both in lessons and through homework;
  • allow for extra-curricular links to be made that enhance and deepen children’s knowledge and understanding. 

Curriculum Implementation

Children are educated in a stimulating and vibrant environment where they are encouraged to become confident and resilient learners who make good progress.  The acquisition of knowledge and skills is achieved by ensuring that all pupils have equal access to all areas of the curriculum. 

The curriculum is planned by subject leaders, in collaboration with subject teachers.  The curriculum is taught by School staff and subject specialist teachers.  French, music, singing and PE lessons are taught by subject specialist teachers.  Other subjects are taught by class teachers and teaching assistants.  Adults in the school are deployed according to their interests and their strengths.  Subject leaders monitor implementation to ensure broad and systematic coverage in line with the intent.

Children are taught through separate subject disciplines so that they develop a clear understanding, appreciation and enjoyment of the different aspects of the subjects they learn.  Opportunities for cross-curricular learning are explored where they allow children to make relevant links across the curriculum and revisit and apply previously learned knowledge and skills, in order to achieve deep learning. 

Academic subjects are timetabled to ensure that all children access a broad and balanced curriculum.  In general, English and maths are taught during the morning and other subjects are taught during the afternoon.  Some subjects, such as French, music, PE and RE are taught through weekly lessons whereas others, such as geography, science and history are taught in blocks.

Learning activities vary according to the subject but across the curriculum, they will incorporate some or all of the aspects below:

  • observing and listening;
  • planning and drafting;
  • writing and drawing;
  • making and doing;
  • reading and reviewing;
  • researching and exploring;
  • repeating and practising;
  • experimenting and investigating;
  • predicting and testing;
  • talking and questioning;
  • collaborating and sharing;

Children are taught in mixed age groups:  Nursery and Reception, Years 1 & 2, Years 3 & 4 and Years 5 & 6.  Each class is taught primarily in their own classroom but learning also takes place in the school hall, in other classrooms and in the extensive grounds (playground, field and woodland).  The classrooms are well equipped and displays support teaching and learning. The School has a class set of iPads and laptops to support the teaching of the computing curriculum and to provide for wider educational experiences.

The School uses opportunities across the curriculum to develop international cultural awareness.  Children explore issues relating to diversity, similarity and difference and they learn about how conflicts may be resolved. The curriculum provides thoughtful and enriching experiences which support children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, ensuring they understand the social and cultural diversity of the wider community, the country in which they live and the wider world.  Opportunities for teaching about diversity and inclusion are embedded in the PSHE curriculum but are also found in across the curriculum in humanities, languages, the creative arts and in PE.  This aspect of the curriculum is enriched through extra-curricular provision:  charitable work, visitors to the school, educational visits and other events and learning opportunities.

The curriculum is enhanced through special events, visitors to the school and educational visits. Assemblies support the implementation of the wider curriculum as do charitable events and fundraising opportunities.  The School also makes links with other local, national and international schools to enhance the learning experiences of the children. 

Curriculum Impact

The impact of the curriculum is measured in various ways:

  • Formative assessment is used on a daily basis to assess pupils’ engagement and attainment and to inform teaching and learning.
  • Summative assessment is used termly to analyse pupils’ progress against standardised data and to inform teaching and learning.
  • Annual statutory assessment tests. (See Assessment and Feedback Policy).
  • Subject leader monitoring of the implementation and the impact of the curriculum against the stated intent.
  • Monitoring by the Head Teacher, the North Yorkshire County Council Senior Education Adviser and the Governors.
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