The Boyle And Petyt Primary School

The Boyle And Petyt Primary School

Welcome To Our Website

Beamsley, Bolton Abbey, Skipton, BD23 6HE

01756 710378

Online Safety School Rules

Online Safety School RuLES

 Digital technologies have become integral to the lives of children and young people, both within schools and outside school.  These technologies are powerful tools, which open up new opportunities for everyone.  These technologies can stimulate discussion, promote creativity and stimulate awareness of context to promote effective learning.  Young people should be entitled to safe internet access at all times.

At the start of each school year, an Acceptable Use Agreement is sent home for children to read with their families.  The agreement is intended to ensure that:

  • our pupils will be responsible users and stay safe while using the internet and other digital technologies for educational, personal and recreational use,
  • school systems and users are protected from accidental or deliberate misuse that could put the security of the systems and users at risk, and
  • parents and guardians are aware of the importance of e-safety and are involved in the education and guidance of young people regarding on-line behaviour.

Pupil Acceptable Use Agreement

I understand that while I am a member of The Boyle and Petyt Primary School, I must use technology in a responsible way. 

  • I will ask a teacher or suitable adult if I want to use the computers.
  • I will only use activities that a teacher or suitable adult has told or allowed me to use.
  • I will take care of the computer and other equipment.
  • I will ask for help from a teacher or suitable adult if I am not sure what to do or if I think I have done something wrong.
  • I will tell a teacher or suitable adult if I see something that upsets me on the screen.
  • I know that if I break the rules I might not be allowed to use a computer.

I have read and understand the above and agree to follow these rules when:

  • I use the school systems and devices (both in and out of school).
  • I use my own equipment outside of school in a way that is related to me being a pupil of The Boyle and Petyt Primary School email, website etc.
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